Monday, 9 September 2013

Very important update about my new 7KTeamSystem build. MUST READ!!!

Hi {name}

I'm about to start an easy peasy 3x10 downline builder.
This will be for 7K to incorporate TOANTrafficWave and more.
This is so easy you'll wonder why no-one has done it before.

Simply by building 3, 10 level lines and duplicating this system within a dedicated TEAM we can literally dominate MLM in 2014.
I have chosen Facebook as my build platform due to it's responsiveness and ease of contact. (No S*P*A*M to our email accounts, with ease of deleting, blocking and reporting of undesirable members).
To be a part of this build you MUST have an active Facebook account. Although all members will be recruited to one group it will be up to you to build 2 of your 3, 10 level lines (ie 20 members). Yes you will be supported in this and interested members will be allocated where needed to ensure this builds without any gaps.

The idea of building down 10 levels instead of across 3 under each is basically to give 
EVERYONE a kick start and to ensure NO-ONE drops out. (just having 1 below you reduces your costs by a third from the off set with up to 9 below them will help to cover the rest of your costs.

Doing this 2/3 times and helping our TEAM duplicate it, fills any holes and ensures we collect any bonus' too.
My own bonus' will be spent on advertising our TEAM to keep us building well beyond our own 10 levels and filling any gaps that may need to be filled later on should members drop out (I can't offer any guarantees that that wont happen although allocating everyone at least one member under them should reduce this occurance and all members below will naturally filter up to replace them anyway giving us some insurance we wont lose any commissions due.

This is getting a little long winded now as it's hard to explain in an email.
PLEASE, join this Facebook Group...
read the About and these Files...
and join this event...
Oh yeah, add me as a friend while you're in there...

I look forward to working closely with you to build this TEAM.
BTW. I am offering you tons of FREEBIES for being in my personal downline. Basically anything and everything I have to give including my one-to-one support and unlimited time, effort and dedication is yours. (FREE upgrades and advertising resources relevant to this build will be included).
More information will be given upon reply to this mail.
This is win/win for all of us, so let's do it and finally succeed together online.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.
Kymm Reynolds.

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