Printable Training Aids. An Overview of The7KTeamSystem and it's Core Programs.

Printable Training Aids. (page2)

An Overview of The7KTeamSystem and it's Core Programs.

This is The World's First Community Build program.
We ALL join here to enable us to be a part of this AMAZING opportunity to build our downlines in several leading Online Business'.
There is absolutely NO obligation to upgrade here EVER but if you are a strong referrer or want access to some extra resources to help you build 7K I would do this right away or at least as soon as you start earning.
You can upgrade for just $12.99 a month and gain access to the whole site including your own
6 person conference room,  
URL Rotator
Daily Referral Mailer
Core Program Marketing Page
Gold Member Channels to  CIOB* and UCA
and the cherry on the cake is...
Add one of your own online business' that will be shown to ALL your downline FOREVER. A great way to build your own primary business on auto pilot.
You also earn $3.50 per upgraded member as opposed to $1.50 as a FREEmember. (Get 3 and it's FREE just like most other programs within 7K).

The first Core Program and Community Build site of 7K*.
ALL 7K members MUST join this program from within the Core Programssection within 7K.
This is the ONLY requirement of 7K and by NOT joining under your 7KSponsor your account WILL be deleted.
TOAN members joining 7K who enter their original ID and any referrals they get from 7K will NOT be eligible for the FREE Ad Co-op or EVER be part of thisTEAM
DO NOT try this!!!
You can have 2 or more accounts at TOAN or you can cancel and re-join if you have no active downline, but you MUST join from within the7KTeam.
To upgrade here is a monthly $19.95 subscription that buys you UNLIMITEDbanner and text advertising.
Use the advertising to promote ALL your business' includingThe7KTeamSystem and it's incorporated programs should you join them.
Just like 7K if you get 3 upgraded referrals here this becomes FREE, but has a much better compensation plan...

LevelPotential AdvertisersAvailable:Totals
13 (You're In Profit!)$6.75$20.25
Note: This table is for illustrative purposes only to demonstrate potential revenues. We do not guarantee any level of income. Your decision to join The Online Ad Network should be based on your desire to reach targeted network marketing prospects for your products, services, and/or opportunities.
Plus the following one time bonus' as your TEAM grows from L3 to L10...
Milestone Achieved:Monthly CommissionsCash Bonus:
3 Levels Filled$56.25$100.00
4 Levels Filled$137.25$200.00
5 Levels Filled$380.25$500.00
6 Levels Filled$1,109.25$1,000.00
7 Levels Filled$3,296.25$2,000.00
8 Levels Filled$9,857.25$5,000.00
9 Levels Filled$29,540.25$10,000.00
10 Levels Filled$88,589.25$50,000.00
Each bonus can be qualified for and received one time.
To Qualify: You must have at least one personally referred active advertiser and your own account must be in good standing.
Not bad earning potential for your $19.95 p/meh?
You even get a 15 day FREE/$1 trial so you could be earning here before your subscription even starts.

This is the second potential income stream within 7K.
You have no obligation to join here or if you are already a member you CANenter your original ID, but it is recommended that if you are NOT a member or have no active downline or relationship with your sponsor you should join again here.
The PayPlan is almost identical as TOAN.

Monthly Residual Commissions

SURFER: To qualify for Monthly Residual Commissions at the Surfer level, you must have at least one personally referred Active sale. You will then be paid through 3 levels of your organization as follows:
Your OrganizationSalesWe PayEarnings
LEVEL ONE SALES3$6.00$18.00
TIDALWAVE: To qualify for Monthly Residual Commissions at the TidalWave level, you must have at least five personally referred Active sales. You will then be paid through 5 levels of your organization as follows:
Your OrganizationSalesWe PayEarnings
LEVEL ONE SALES3$6.00$18.00
LEVEL TWO SALES9$1.00$9.00
LEVEL THREE SALES27$1.00$27.00
LEVEL FOUR SALES81$.50$40.50
LEVEL FIVE SALES243$.50$121.50
TSUNAMI: To qualify for Monthly Residual Commissions at the TSUNAMI level, you must have at least ten personally referred Active sales. You will then be paid through 10 levels of your organization as follows:
Your OrganizationSalesWe PayEarnings
LEVEL ONE SALES3$6.00$18.00
LEVEL TWO SALES9$1.00$9.00
LEVEL THREE SALES27$1.00$27.00
LEVEL FOUR SALES81$1.00$81.00
LEVEL FIVE SALES243$1.00$243.00
LEVEL SIX SALES729$1.00$729.00
LEVEL SEVEN SALES2,187$1.00$2,187.00
LEVEL EIGHT SALES6,561$1.00$6,561.00
LEVEL NINE SALES19,683$1.00$19,683.00
LEVEL TEN SALES59,049$1.00$59,049.00
TOTAL AVAILABLE:88,572-$88,587.00

You get all this for just $17.95 a month.
I highly recommend joining this asap or at least once your 
TOAN level 1 is filled and take up the 30 day FREE trial.
Check out the Matrix Buster inside your Affiliate Manager, I highly recommend building any TEAM using the PIF method so this is right up my street.
By agreeing to PIF your referrals that agree the same you can give them their second month for FREE with no personal out of pocket. 60 days instead of 30FREE.

There are also your upgraded upline's business' that you might want to join, as well as the Primary and Secondary Ad Resources and a couple ofMarketing Tools we ALL use to help us build The7KTeamSystem

Continue to page 3 if you want some information on each of these extra resources.

For step by step guide to setting up your account go here...

CIOB*:     Cash In On Banners.
UCA*:     Ultimate Cash Ads.
TOAN*:     TheOnlineAdNetwork.
7K*:     The7KTeamSystem.
TW*:     TrafficWave.

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