Hi {name} (30/4/13)
OMG, do I have some amazing news for you today.
Our upline and TEAM leader IS going to be doing her TEAM build for our 7KTeamTOANbuild.
If you still haven't joined TOAN and taken up the FREE/$1 trial you might want to rethink NOW!!!
As members of Denise's TEAM we will be invited to join her and get that extra, extra little help we need to get our TOAN downline built faster.
Obviously you will HAVE to help promote this build to bring new members in from outside 7K and TOAN.
100 hits a week is the suggested amount but I'm sure we can ALL do much better than that.
Denise Hayes, incase you don't know has spent most of her time online doing team builds first for F5M-MC, then CashClubInternational, a second F5M-MC build, a semi successful but phased out now build for XAG Network and Global NPN before setting up UCA, it's sister site UDB (UltimateDownlineBuil der) and more recently GlobalWealthForce (an amazing feeder matrix series into 9 and counting leading online opportunities with planned team build in the making).
(If you are interested in joining any of these programs or builds, let me know and I'll send you the link/s you need).
I'm in all but GlobalNPN so far, but to be part of the team builds you will need to join under the next-in-line).
(If you are interested in joining any of these programs or builds, let me know and I'll send you the link/s you need).
I'm in all but GlobalNPN so far, but to be part of the team builds you will need to join under the next-in-line).
Anyway, back to THIS team build opportunity, I would like to get some feedback.
I know you will ALL want to be a part of this!
Even those of us who already have our 3 in TOAN should join and help promote as our downline might need help or could be they drop out and you find yourself needing to replace them (it could happen so use this as your back up plan).
Even those of us who already have our 3 in TOAN should join and help promote as our downline might need help or could be they drop out and you find yourself needing to replace them (it could happen so use this as your back up plan).
The feedback I would like is totally hypothetical and is for my own personal means and will have NO effect here or anyway influence THIS build is decided...
Could even be you could have the option to join 2 builds.
I'm NOT qualified or equipt to build a massive downline down multiple levels, but have extensive advertising available and those of you who know me, know that I go far beyond my sponsor responsibilities.
I'm NOT qualified or equipt to build a massive downline down multiple levels, but have extensive advertising available and those of you who know me, know that I go far beyond my sponsor responsibilities.
I try to pass on my methods through duplication so I build my first level, help you build your first level and show you how to help your TEAM build their first levels and pass it on.
So we could easily go down 3 levels and then you take over filling your level 4, your level 1 fills your level 5 etc.
Here are both build options...
I suggested that we ALL promote Denise Hayes' TOAN link and assign the referrals she gets under the member they fall under in TOAN to their 7K downline.
Denise's traditional builds generally include a hotseat and rotators etc to get members 1, 2 or 3 each in the order that we join and our activity levels, otherwise known as the next-in-line method.
Which would you prefer?
My way we all get 3 TOAN referrals in one go as the matrix builds from left to right, but NOT directly and 3 direct 7K members who could and would be encouraged to join ALL other income streams directly under us.
Promoting Denise's link would ensure this would happen, fill ALL the gaps in our matrix (even if our referrals drop out they will be replaced quickly).
It might take a little longer to fill our first level but will ensure it stays filled after that, should members leave.
It might take a little longer to fill our first level but will ensure it stays filled after that, should members leave.
Also the advertising would be more reliable. We won't be using rotators so Ad/Traffic Exchanges will not be deleting our ads before they go out.
Denise's way we get 1 DIRECT TOAN and 7K referral more quickly and then drop to the bottom of the list but can claim the Ad Co-op position through 7K and qualify for the TOAN bonus'.
This appears to be the faster rotating and fairest method, tried and tested by Denise in several builds that are still going strong.
Both have their advantages and disadvantages.
Financially, Denise's method would reduce the cost of the subscription faster but you could be paying the reduced cost longer
My way you WILL be paying the FULL subscription cost longer but as the matrix fills your subscription will become FREE and continue to build filling ALL the gaps.
Denise's method only includes subscribed team build members, my method includes EVERYONE that joins our downline by default.
Financially, Denise's method would reduce the cost of the subscription faster but you could be paying the reduced cost longer
My way you WILL be paying the FULL subscription cost longer but as the matrix fills your subscription will become FREE and continue to build filling ALL the gaps.
Denise's method only includes subscribed team build members, my method includes EVERYONE that joins our downline by default.
Obviously, again this has it's pros and cons.
Due to the time it could take to fill our downlines though I still highly recommend we promote as much as we can for ourselves too either way.
NEVER rely on getting it all done for you.
If you are lazy and don't promote you WILL lose your position, but if you promote like crazy you could fill your own downline and be earning long before you get in the hot-seat/the matrix fills naturally.
Denise's method gives you the referral required to apply for the Ad Co-op and TOAN bonus'
Denise's method gives you the referral required to apply for the Ad Co-op and TOAN bonus'
so you could earn more with little no/effort.
IF YOU KNOW ME, YOU'LL KNOW I HATE FREELOADERS, the reason I suggested an alternative.
My method would encourage more of us to promote as we WILL want to get our 3 asap. At least getting one personally qualifies us for the Ads Co-op.
My method would encourage more of us to promote as we WILL want to get our 3 asap. At least getting one personally qualifies us for the Ads Co-op.
This build method includes members NOT within the build, but I think these stray members will soon either get promoting to reduce their cost quickly or drop out before they can ever realistically expect any spill from the build, plus EVERYONE in the build will be promoting for themselves creating spill and leaving less gaps to be filled as we get and stay ahead of the build.
A lot of information.
Please read it carefully and get back to me.
If you're NOT already in TOAN and want to get in at the top of this, I suggest you take up the trial asap.
YES you WILL have to make one or more subscription payments before you start earning and NO there is no PIF option here.
A lot of information.
Please read it carefully and get back to me.
If you're NOT already in TOAN and want to get in at the top of this, I suggest you take up the trial asap.
YES you WILL have to make one or more subscription payments before you start earning and NO there is no PIF option here.
I'm sure even if we were joining somewhere near the bottom, and were looking to pay 70c a day for 5 years to invest in something that could easily give us ALL an $88.5K monthly income we could find the money somehow.
I know your pension plan or investments you may have wont offer you as much as this does, cost a lot more and are probably more likely to fall short when they are due than this is.
IT'S a 70c a day investment for your future.
Brian Rooney, Owner/Admin of TOAN and TrafficWave has been around forever.
TrafficWave is 13 years old and the world's 3rd largest auto responder service.
TOAN is new, but extremely popular and here to stay.
IT'S a 70c a day investment for your future.
Brian Rooney, Owner/Admin of TOAN and TrafficWave has been around forever.
TrafficWave is 13 years old and the world's 3rd largest auto responder service.
TOAN is new, but extremely popular and here to stay.
These are NOT flash in the pan opportunities.
It might take a little while to get started and start earning
(except for us, who have the opportunity of a lifetime here at the top of 7K, TOAN and this team build opportunity.
Don't tell me you can't find .70c a day to invest in your future financial security and independance.
It might take a little while to get started and start earning
(except for us, who have the opportunity of a lifetime here at the top of 7K, TOAN and this team build opportunity.
Don't tell me you can't find .70c a day to invest in your future financial security and independance.
Don't tell me you can't get 3 referrals and help them do the same.
EVERYONE can one way or another, online or off.
EVERYONE can one way or another, online or off.
Now add to that a team build opportunity and all the other benefits you have here.
Why the hell are you NOT jumping in.
It will only cost you $1 maximum to try.
My 19 year old niece joined us last week.
Never worked online before.
Followed my blog directions to join here and ALL the ad resources and income streams and already has 2 referrals in TOAN and several none TOAN, 7K members to work on.
Join me on Facebook and meet her if you want proof.
Okay she has me, but so do ALL of you.
I'm working very closely with ALL 5 of my TOAN upgrades, in fact I've heard less from my niece than the rest of them.
I'm working very closely with ALL 5 of my TOAN upgrades, in fact I've heard less from my niece than the rest of them.
I've told you ALL several times how to delete your account if you aren't interested in being here, and you're reading this so must be considering it.
The longer you wait, the further down my TOAN downline you will be to benefit from my spill and the spill of our upline and her TEAM.
I'm going on with myself again now.
Join TOAN if you want to get in at the top of this Team Build Opportunity.
Reply and give me feedback on my and Denise's Team Builds.
Join me on Facebook.
Let me help you.
P.S. Get back to me asap if you want more details and/or recieve the Team Build link as soon as I'm allowed to give it to you.
S.P.S. This mail is much longer than I intended, sorry but will have to send you details to claim your advertising bonus' at UCA in a direct email.
I got it prepared, but will have to send it separately.
Please look out for it.
S.P.S. This mail is much longer than I intended, sorry but will have to send you details to claim your advertising bonus' at UCA in a direct email.
I got it prepared, but will have to send it separately.
Please look out for it.
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